3 Tips to Avoid Costly Winter Plumbing Leaks

Winter plumbing leaks can wreak havoc on your Charlottesville home. Not only can a leak damage drywall, paint, and furniture, but unaddressed problems can lead to hazardous mold spreading throughout your house or apartment. The best way to avoid leaks during the wintertime, or any time of year, is to take preventative action, including making sure that your heater is working properly. 1. Wrap Uninsulated Pipes Burst pipes are a real threat in areas where freezing temperatures occur. The damage caused by this sort of plumbing emergency can make your residence unlivable, particularly if you’re not at home when it happens and can’t immediately call a plumber to address the situation. There are several ways to protect your pipes during the colder months: Keep the heat on, even if you’re going to be away Wrap uninsulated pipes in foam covers Insulate closed crawlspace vents to protect against cold air provides 24/7 emergency service in the Charlottesville area. If your furnace stops working, call us. We can help to prevent water damage due to frozen pipes. 2. Shut Down Outdoor Valves and Put Away Hoses As the seasons change, take time to disconnect and put away your garden hose while also...

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How Hard Water Affects Your Plumbing

Hard water is a common cause of dry and itchy skin. However, it can also wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing if left unchecked. Let’s look at some of the reasons why hard water is not good for pipes and other plumbing components. Sediment Can Build Up in the Pipes Water that has high levels of calcium, magnesium, and similar materials is referred to as hard water. When the water goes through your home’s pipes, it will leave a layer of material within them. Over time, this can significantly constrict the path that moisture of any kind can take after going down a tub or sink drain. Ultimately, you can be left with pipes that are either slow or completely clogged. Sediment Can Eat at a Pipe The minerals that are deposited on a pipe can cause it to erode or crack. This could result in pipes that leak or burst with little or no warning, and a broken pipe may unleash enough water to cause mold, mildew or other damage throughout your home. Ideally, you will call in Charlottesville to repair pipes, clean drains, or even install a new toilet. Hard Water Deposits Can Accumulate Almost Anywhere If you...

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Can Chemical Drain Cleaners Damage Your Plumbing?

If you’re without the convenience of garbage disposal, or if several long-haired ladies live in your home, you know the pain of clogged drains. And chances are you’ve turned to the occasional drain cleaner to clear a blockage or two. But might you be harming your plumbing when you use chemical drain cleaners? Despite their convenience, these types of cleaners abuse your plumbing, and with repeated use, can even cause irreparable damage. Chemical Cleaners Burn Away Clogs One of the primary mechanisms of action behind each chemical drain cleaner’s amazing clog-busting ability is heat. As chemicals within the formula react with one another and with water in your pipes, they generate substantial heat. In fact, before your clog dissolves completely, the temperature within your pipes will reach the boiling level. Excessive heat can damage the adhesive which holds PVC pipes together, potentially creating damaging leaks. In some cases, the heat generated by chemical cleaners can even cause pipes to warp when the solution remains stationary for extended periods. Rather than risk damage, call in Charlottesville to remove the blockage safely. Chemical Drain Cleaners Are Corrosive Chemical drain cleaners are not smart; they cannot tell the difference between the materials that...

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What Areas in Your Home Need More Ventilation?

When hot or humid air is allowed to linger in a home, it can make for an uncomfortable living space. Excess moisture can result in mold, damage to walls and other problems that can be costly to repair. Therefore, it is important to know which spaces in your home may need to receive more ventilation than others. Ventilate Any Space Where Heat or Moisture Are Created The kitchen should have extra ventilation since you will use hot water to cook food or clean dishes. A bathroom is another good place to add an extra vent or a ceiling fan. This is because the act of taking a shower or bath can make the space extremely warm and humid. The folks at in Charlottesville can do an indoor air quality assessment to help you better understand why extra ventilation can be helpful in these rooms. Add Ventilation to Garages When the garage door is closed, it can be difficult for air to circulate within the space. This can be problematic during the summer months as moisture could eat away at insulation or cause damage to the door itself. When a garage is warm or humid, it may make the rest of...

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Warning Signs You Need a Water Heater Replacement

Having a new water heater installed is a major purchase that most homeowners dread and try to put off. However, ignoring the warning signs that your water heater needs to be replaced can end up costing you even more money. If you wait until your unit starts leaking, not only will you have to pay extra for an emergency installation, but you’ll also be left with potential property damage. If you notice any of the signs below, it is best to have a professional from check your unit and help you decide if it’s time for a water heater replacement. 1. Your Water Looks Rusty or Cloudy Water that looks cloudy or rusty can indicate that your water heater is starting to fail. Cloudy water can mean that the unit is allowing mineral deposits to travel out with your water. If you notice a change in the color or clarity of your water, contact a plumbing professional. 2. You Keep Running Out of Hot Water If you notice that you’re running out of hot water before your shower is over, it could also be a sign that you need water heater replacement. As sediment accumulates in older units, the available...

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4 Benefits of Properly Sealing Your Ducts

Because air ducts don’t cause obvious problems when they’re having issues, they’re often overlooked by homeowners. However, leaky ducts can cause higher energy bills and problems with rooms being too hot or too cold. Consider the following four benefits of proper duct sealing. 1. Even Heating and Cooling Throughout the Home Is one room in your home significantly hotter than another? One of the reasons this may happen is because your ducts aren’t sealed and insulated properly. By sealing and insulating your ducts, you can prevent having too hot or too cold rooms. offers duct sealing services in the Charlottesville, VA area. Our NATE-certified technicians prioritize getting the job done right the first time. 2. Improved Indoor Air Quality Pollutants both outside and inside your home can get into the ducts where they are circulated throughout the home when the heating and cooling system operate. Examples of pollutants that can get inside leaky ducts are secondhand smoke, garden chemicals, dust, mold, pollen, and household cleaning agents. 3. Saves Money on Heating and Cooling Ducts that aren’t sealed decrease your heating and cooling system’s efficiency by as much as 20%. Decreased efficiency results in higher energy bills. You will likely notice...

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3 Ways to Be More Energy-Efficient

Your heating and cooling system plays a big role in keeping your home comfortable during rough weather, but it also consumes a large amount of energy for its efforts. By taking a few simple steps to make your HVAC’s workload lighter, you can save both energy and money. Take a look at these simple tricks that our experts here at recommend for making your home more energy-efficient. 1. Seal Your Home’s Air Ducts Leaky air ducts are a major culprit behind home energy inefficiency. According to ENERGY STAR, leaky ductwork can lose as much as 30% of the air it transports, meaning your HVAC system has to work harder to make up for that loss. The harder your system works, the higher your bill is at the end of the month. Give us a call, and we’ll do a thorough inspection and patch up any leaks or holes we find. 2. Invest in a Programmable Thermostat Most homeowners don’t need to have their AC’s or heaters running full blast all day long, especially during the day when your house is empty. Programmable thermostats allow you to set certain temperatures in your home for specific times of the day. By adjusting...

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Ways a Humidifier Can Benefit Your Home

When most people think of climate control, they think about heating or cooling systems. At , we know those systems are critical to your comfort, but we also know about another important aspect of home comfort, which is humidity. Especially during the heating season, a humidifier in your Charlottesville home can make a big difference in the way it feels. Installing a humidifier brings other benefits as well. Improved Health Dry air tends to draw moisture from plants, animals, and people. A dry climate can give you dry, itchy skin. It also irritates your airways as you sleep. People in dry homes often wake up with sore throats. Proper humidity is especially important if any of your loved ones have respiratory problems such as asthma. The dry air can irritate the lungs, leading to inflammation. A humidifier will keep moisture inside your body, giving you a more restful sleep, a more comfortable home, and improved well-being. Home Preservation Just as dry air draws moisture from your body, it also draws moisture from the wooden objects in your residence. Over time, the annual cycle of moist summer air and dry winter air can lead to warping and cracking. This becomes especially...

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5 HVAC Noises You Never Want to Hear

All home heating and cooling equipment make sounds. However, those noises, whether they’re at the startup or during operation, should be consistent. There are certain sounds that you never want to hear because they are a clear indication that something is wrong. 1. Screeching In our experience as a local heating and cooling company, screeching and squealing are among the most common bad HVAC sounds. At best, it probably indicates a worn belt, which is a relatively inexpensive repair. It can also indicate bad bearings in the motor. 2. Banging Banging, clanking, or thumping often indicates a problem with the motor itself or the blower assembly. If the banging is particularly loud, you should turn off the system immediately and contact a professional. Procrastinating can lead to a broken part and even damage to other parts. 3. Clicking While clicking when an HVAC unit turns on or off is normal, repeated clicking is not. If the repeated clicking is happening at a control panel or coming from an outside unit, then this is usually a good indication of a defective relay or other electronic component causing that relay to time out. 4. Rattling Rattling is almost always an indication of...

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What Is An Electrical Safety Inspection and How Often Should I Have One?

The National Fire Protection Association warns homeowners that electrical problems are the leading cause of residential fires in the U.S. Improper wiring is also the leading cause of most electrocutions that happen in the home. A safety inspection is an effective way to avoid these terrible events. What Is an Electrical Safety Inspection? Electrical safety inspections are performed by companies that specialize in electrical services as well as electrical safety standards. The goal is to perform a thorough assessment of the complete system. Through that examination, the inspector can identify potential issues and outdated equipment as well as any component not up to modern safety standards, including local building codes. Each inspection is unique since it has to be tailored to the home, but they often involve: Inspection of the electrical panel Surge protection verification Assessment of grounding systems Verification of arc fault circuit interrupters Testing of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors When Should an Inspection Be Performed? If you do not know the last time you had your home inspected, then a good time is now. An electrical company in Charlottesville can come to your home at your convenience to conduct the inspection. The industry standards recommend that you...

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