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How to Tell if You Need Air Conditioning Repair Work


When a cooling system is working properly, it can make the air in your home significantly more comfortable than the air outside. However, if an air conditioner isn’t properly maintained, it may not operate as efficiently or effectively as it should. Let’s look at some signs that repairs may be needed.

The Condenser Unit Is Making Unusual Noises

If you hear rattling or banging noises coming from a condenser unit, there is a chance that debris has become stuck inside of it. There is also a chance that a fan blade or part of the motor has broken off and is rattling around in the unit. Ideally, you will have someone from Beck Cohen in Charlottesville come to your house and inspect the air conditioner. It may also be possible for a technician to replace your current cooling system with a newer and more efficient one.

You Notice Strong Odors

It is hard to miss the smell of wires or other electrical components that are hot or melting. Electrical problems can be caused by lightning strikes that hit close to your home or by running your air conditioner for several hours or days at a time. If you notice a sweet aroma emanating from a condenser unit, it may be the result of a chemical leak.

It Takes Longer for Your Home to Cool Off

A refrigerant leak or a damaged refrigerant line may make it harder for your air conditioner to create and distribute cold air throughout your house. Having your cooling system inspected in a timely manner could help to keep utility bills in check. It could also minimize the risk of significant damage to system components.

In addition to maintaining, repairing and replacing air conditioners, we can also do the same for your furnace and perform indoor air quality tests. Plumbing and duct sealing services are also available. Give Beck Cohen a call today to learn more about how we can help keep your home comfortable throughout the year.

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